Phillip Otake

The x-jenda Chronicles are the stories that aren’t in my library or at my cinema or on my television. But they are all around me and that’s what gives me the inspiration to write—about people I’ve met, or know, or would like to get to know.

Most of the stories are set in and around Mito, a regional capital, up on the Pacific coast about an hour north of Tokyo. But they’re not what you would call Japanese stories—the rainbow families in these novels are from all over the place.

And so is their SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics). In spite of westernisation and contemporary notions of LGBTQ+, influences from tradition abound—from the wakashu, the bugis, the fa’afafines, and the bakla.

The x-jenda Chronicles are interconnected stories that have gutsy x-jenda protagonists on journeys of self-empowerment and self-acceptance, finding their place amid the horrors of living in this still patriarchal world. But they always, always have happy endings. Click on a cover to discover more…

ebook cover for Sora & Koto, a gendequeer/nonbinary story
ebook cover for Sophie & Max, a gendequeer/nonbinary story